
furrow英 [ˈfʌrəʊ] 美 [ˈfɜːroʊ]

n. 皱纹;犁沟;车辙

vt. 犁;耕;弄绉

vi. 犁田;开沟;犁出浪迹

n. (Furrow)人名;(英)弗罗

[ 复数 furrows 第三人称单数 furrows 现在分词 furrowing 过去式 furrowed 过去分词 furrowed ]


furrow wheel 沟轮

back furrow 蛇形丘 ; 闭垄

furrow plough 开沟犁 ; 铧式犁 ; 铧犁


furrow /ˈfʌrəʊ/ TEM8

1. N-COUNT A furrow is a long, thin line in the earth which a farmer makes in order to plant seeds or to allow water to flow along. 垄沟

例:…furrows of roses and corn.


2. N-COUNT A furrow is a deep, fairly wide line in the surface of something. 沟

例:I saw a dark brown fertile field in which a plough was cutting large furrows.


3. N-COUNT A furrow is a deep fold or line in the skin of someone’s face. 皱纹

例:He was his old self again, except for the deep furrows that marked the corners of his mouth.



furrow irrigation 沟灌,畦灌;畦沟灌溉

n. 皱纹;[农学]犁沟;车辙rugosity , wrinkle

vt. 犁;耕;弄绉till , plough

vi. 犁田;开沟;犁出浪迹break ground

Mapping the furrow exactly.


They can only furrow their brows at it.


The bird’s talons stopped in mid-furrow.


burrow英 [ˈbʌrəʊ] 美 [ˈbɜːroʊ]

v. 掘地洞,挖地道 ;偎依,钻到……下面;(在……里)搜寻;挖穿

n. (兔子等动物掘的)地洞,地道

【名】 (Burrow)(美)伯罗(人名)


The Burrow 陋居 ; 于在韦斯莱家 ; 地洞 ; 韦斯莱家

Orc Burrow 兽人地洞 ; 地洞

burrow into 探查 ; 探查查阅


burrow /ˈbʌrəʊ/ CET6+ TEM8 ( burrowing, burrowed, burrows )

1. N-COUNT A burrow is a tunnel or hole in the ground that is dug by an animal such as a rabbit. 洞穴

例:Normally timid, they rarely stray far from their burrows.


2. V-I If an animal burrows into the ground or into a surface, it moves through it by making a tunnel or hole. 掘地洞

例:The larvae burrow into cracks in the floor.


3. V-I If you burrow in a container or pile of things, you search there for something using your hands. 翻找

例:…the enthusiasm with which he burrowed through old records in search of facts.


4. V-I If you burrow into something, you move underneath it or press against it, usually in order to feel warmer or safer. 钻进

例:She turned her face away from him, burrowing into her heap of covers.



burrow into

vi. 探索,寻找;挖地洞,挖通道;住入地洞,躲藏起来;钻进某处;偎依著

explore , search after

vt. 挖掘,挖出;在…挖洞(或通道);使躲入洞穴

to dig , tap into

n. (兔、狐等的)洞穴,地道;藏身处,住处

residence , hole , subway , underground , accommodation


They go back to their own burrow.


I come out of my burrow only at night to find food.


The trip to the burrow prevents the squirrel from getting too hot.



英 [ˈbɒrəʊ] 美 [ˈbɔːroʊ]

v. 借,借入;(向……)借贷;采用,借用;(演算减法时)借(位)

【名】 (Borrow)(英)博罗(人名)

[ 第三人称单数 borrows 现在分词 borrowing 过去式 borrowed 过去分词 borrowed ]

borrow money 借钱;借债

borrow from 向……借

borrow trouble 自找麻烦,杞人忧天

ability to borrow 借款能力;借债能力

borrow ideas from 借鉴

May I borrow your newspaper?
