答案在The Economist November 19th 2022 Britain “Britain’s armed forces—Straps around the barrel” 这篇文章的倒数段可以找到。

The Economist November 19th 2022 Britain



adj. 令人沮丧的,悲观的,低调的,不张扬的

同义词: gloomy, negative, depressed, pessimistic



I thought he’d be really excited, but he seemed kind of downbeat.




Money is also getting tight. A pledge made in October by Liz Truss, the former prime minister, to spend 3% of GDP on defence has been quietly jettisoned by her successor. Mr Wallace says his priority is to prevent inflation and the falling pound from ravaging his budget. Military leaders, buoyant a month ago, are downbeat again. But a fiscal crunch makes integration all the more important. “In times of budget tightening, there’s a tendency to want to squeeze those things that some might see at the periphery,” warns General Hockenhull. “But those specialist capabilities give us the edge in modern operations.”

资金也越来越紧张。前首相利兹·特拉斯(Liz Truss)10月承诺将GDP的3%用于国防,但她的继任者却悄然放弃了这一承诺。华莱士表示,他的任务是防止通胀和英镑贬值对其预算造成破坏。一个月前还积极向上的军事领导人现在又表现出消极悲观。但财政紧缩使整合变得更加重要。英国防情报局局长霍肯赫尔(General Hockenhull)警告说:“在预算紧缩的时候,我们想要挤压那些某些人可能视为不重要的东西。但这些专业能力使我们在现代作战中具有优势。”

jettison “抛弃;放弃” 英语怎么说?